We strive to open all complaints within (5) five business days of receipt. If you provided an email address when you submitted your complaint online, you will receive a confirmation email with your complaint number. This communication will be sent to you from DO_NOT_REPLY <ci.core@tn.gov>. Please make sure you check your SPAM folder. All other communications sent to you via email such as inquiries and status updates will come from our dedicated complaints email address: RB.Complaints@tn.gov.
If there is no email address listed on your complaint submission, a letter will be mailed to you at the address you provided when you submitted the complaint once we finish processing your complaint.
If you have not received any communication from us regarding your complaint submission, please contact RB.Complaints@tn.gov and ask for a status update. Please make sure to provide as much detail as possible when inquiring about a complaint so we can best serve you.