Christine Marotteck -


What is CORE?

The Comprehensive Online Regulatory & Enforcement (CORE) website is managed by the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance. You may visit this secure site at CORE allows you to apply for or renew a license, registration, or permit for the Regulatory Boards division, State Fire Marshal’s Office, and some Insurance divisions. CORE also allows consumers to file and manage a complaint against a licensed individual or organization or lookup a license using CORE Verify. 


What can I expect from the new CORE?

The Department of Commerce and Insurance introduced the new CORE on Monday, June 26, 2023 to assist in promoting the success of individuals and business while serving as innovative leaders. The improved website is easier to use with a modern interface. Additional benefits of the new CORE include:

  • The website adjusts to fit the screen of your device, whether it is a desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet.
  • Attachment uploads are now easier than ever.
  • Managing your license or permit is more intuitive.
  • Account recovery options include SMS texting and secondary email address.
  • Optional extra verification, also known as multi-factor authentication, is available for a more secure experience.


How do I access the new CORE website?

CORE is in the same place it has always been! Access the new, secure CORE website at


I had an existing CORE account prior to June 23, 2023. Do I need to create an account for the new CORE?

Yes, CORE was updated on June 26, 2023. The new CORE website has improved features that require you to sign up again. You can link your license or permit to your account by selecting “Link a License or Permit” after signing in.


Did Verify change too?

Yes, consumers and licensees can visit the new

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