How to Apply - Real Estate Firm

Christine Marotteck -


Visit OneStop here for more information about the Real Estate Firm license type.


Firm Requirements:

I. "New Firm" Application (CORE

II. Requirements 

1. The applicant must answer each question on the application.

2. Current Zoning Letter: If a local jurisdiction does not have zoning regulations, submit a letter from the local county or city mayor stating such. 

3. Escrow Account: Open and provide proof of escrow account by supplying the name and address of the bank, name of account, and account number, and have your principal broker sign. If funds belonging to third parties will not be handled by your firm, fill out the Waiver of Escrow form. 

4. Errors and Omissions Insurance

5. Explanation and copies of any bankruptcies, complaints, and/or judgments.

6. Corporation or LLC must submit a current copy of the firm's certification (or Letter of Good Standing) from the Tennessee Secretary of State, along with any DBA name.

III. Fee, $90


Broker Requirements:


I. "Transfer" Application (CORE

II. Transfer, Release, and Change of Status form (TREC 1)

III. Fee, $25


I. "Designate Principal Broker" Application (CORE

II. Firm Updates form (TREC 2) 

III. Fee, $25



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