How far in advance of expiration date should my auctioneer license renewal be completed?

Kristen -

Licenses are valid for two (2) years from the date of their issuance and may be renewed within the sixty (60) days immediately preceding their date of expiration.

PLEASE NOTE: A late renewal carries penalties from $50-$200 in addition to the normal renewal fees, and could involve reapplication, reexamination and/or additional education requirements.

The grace period for your license is 60 days. When you renew during the grace period you are charged a late fee of $50, 1-60 days. If renewal is late 2-6 months will complete reapply application and pay late fee of $150.  If renewal is late 6 months to 1 year will complete reapply application and pay late fee of $200.

After 1 year will have to complete reapplication along with all requirements for licensure including but not limited to re-examination.

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