Yes. Several changes require board notification by law. When the Qualifying Agent (QA) leaves, the Board must be notified within 10 days (Rule 0680-1-.02). A new QA must be designated by the licensed entity within 90 days or the license classification for the license becomes invalid. If this is the sole classification and requires a trade exam, the license is considered invalid after the 90 days. Contractors should not note the change on the renewal without first obtaining a letter approving the new qualifying agent.
The entity is also required to notify the Board of any changes in officers. Whenever there is a change in ownership, and it's a majority change with a new stockholder, the contractor may be required to apply for a new contractor license.
If the entity changes their mode of operation, they must apply for a "Change in Mode of Operation - Transfer" before operating in the new name or mode.
Forms and instructions are available at the Forms and Downloads.
Am I required to notify the board if my job status changes?
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