Quarterly Reports: What information is required to be reported quarterly to the Private Probation Services Council?

Kristen -

You may download a copy of the Quarterly Report Form. This report must be mailed in with the payment.


Once a registration has been issued, the private entity shall supply a quarterly report to the clerk of the criminal court and general sessions court in each judicial district in which the entity proposes to provide misdemeanor probation services in a form and manner specified by the clerk.


In addition, each private entity shall submit a quarterly report and pay a quarterly provider fee to the Private Probation Services Council in the amount of seventy-five cents ($0.75) per quarter for every person reported on the case load of the entity in the quarterly report.


The report and fee must be accompanied by a sworn quarterly provider fee form. (Form)


The provider fee is due on May 20, August 20, November 20 and February 20 of each year and will be considered timely if postmarked by the 20th of the month that it is due.

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