Complete the application and pay the fee according to the number of display dates. Follow the special instructions for the type of display that will be conducted; Outdoor, Pyrotechnic, or Flame Effect. The display must have a licensed Exhibitor and licensed Fireworks Operator that is certified for the type of display on the application. Current insurance must be provided by either the applicant or the licensed exhibitor that has the State of TN as the certificate holder or additionally insured.
The display will be first reviewed by the Permits and Licensing section of the State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) to verify the application meets the licensing requirements. The application will then be reviewed by a Codes Inspector in the Codes Enforcement section to verify the display meets the standards set forth by the SFMO and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). If approval is not received by the Codes Inspector, the applicant will be contacted to provide more information. If approval is received, the applicant will receive the Display Permit via email.