How do I request a Letter of Good Standing?

Olivia Flood -

To request a Letter of Good Standing please send a letter to the Real Estate Appraiser Commission with a tenty-five dollar ($25) check or money order made payable to the State of Tennessee. The letter must include the following applicable information: 

1. Name

2. Company Name (If Applicable)

3. Return Address

4. Whom the Letter of Good Standing should be addressed (i.e. Georgia Real Estate Appraisers Board).

- We do not send out Letters of Good Standing addressed, “To whom it may concern”. We must have a State Board or Commission to address the letter.

5. If you want the letter sent back to you or directly to the Board or Commission of another state.

6.  If you would like your Letter of Good Standing to be shipped via Federal Express or UPS please include a pre-addressed envelope with your billing information filled out. All other letters sent out through this office will be sent via U.S. Postal Service.




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