How do I apply for an Affiliate Auctioneer license?

Olivia Flood -

To become an auctioneer, an applicant must first apply to become an affiliate or apply with a reciprocal license.  Applicant may begin the apprenticeship upon receipt of the license.

Instructions below effective, July 1, 2019. Applicants must submit an application online at and a $225 initial license fee along with proof that the applicant met the following requirements:

1. "Initial Affiliates Auctioneers Application" (CORE)

2. Supporting Documents

i. . Complete 50-hour approved auction education program and obtain education certificates.

- Sixteen (16) hours of Basic Fundamental Instruction

- Thirty-four (34) hours of classroom or online instruction in the Fundamentals of Auctioneering

ii. Exam Score Sheet

 - MUST complete and submit application to testing company (PSI) for the affiliate examination

- After receiving notice that you have successfully completed the affiliate exam, remit the appropriate fees to the Tennessee Auctioneer Commission

3. Fee, $225


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