Armed Guard applicants must submit an application online at and a $105 initial license fee along with proof that the applicant met the following requirements:
1. "Initial Armed Guard Registration Application" (CORE)
2. Supporting Documents
i. Head-and-Shoulder Photograph
ii. Fingerprinting Receipt
- Electronic fingerprinting must be done through Identigo.
iii. Sixteen (16) Hours of Qualifying, Training- Link To List of Trainers
- The handgun permit training DOES NOT count for the armed guard license training.
- I am a Police Officer, do I still have to complete training? Training can be waived if the supply one of the following:
a. P.O.S.T Certificate
b. Latest In-service (within last year)
c. Letter from Dept. of H.R. or Personnel stating they are FT Sworn Peace Officers
- Letter must include make, model, and caliber of weapon.
-The handgun permit training DOES NOT count for the armed guard license training.
- Individuals who are Retired, a Reserve Officer, or no longer employed as a police officer will have to take our training course.
iv. Court Records (If Applicable)
3. Fee, $105
Please Note:
If an application for PPS has been closed or denied, the applicant DOES NOT have to get their fingerprints re-done with Identigo.
The applicant can re-use their fingerprint receipt as long as the date of the report from T.B.I. is not more than 6 months old.