To become an auctioneer, an applicant must first apply to become an affiliate or apply with a reciprocal license. You may begin practicing as an Auctioneer upon receipt of your license.
Instructions below effective, July 1, 2019. The following steps must be taken in order to obtain an Auctioneer license:
Step 1: Complete/Submit an Upgrade to Auctioneer Application
1. Required Supporting Documents
i. Completed Affiliate Auctioneer Log
- Apprenticeship of at least six (6) months under the supervision of a Tennessee licensed auctioneer.
- Obtain a minimum of 1,000 points in order to be eligible for an auctioneer license. This is the substantial equivalent of working five (5) auctions from beginning to end.
ii. Copy of High School School or GED Certificate
iii. Evidence of Escrow Account (bank statement, voided check or voided deposit slip)
Step 2: Take the PSI Examination for Auctioneer. To schedule go to Submit the certificate for passing the exam with your on-line application.
Step 3. Complete your application on-line and remit the appropriate fees to the Tennessee Auctioneer Commission for issuance of your Principal Auctioneer License.
i. Fee, $275
a. Application Fee: $50.00
b. Recovery fund: $50.00
c. License Fee: $175