How long will it take to process a permit application?

Jason S -

Standard electrical permits (1-1000 amps) purchased online are available immediately upon completion of the payment process. Once this is done, the customer may return to the quick start menu and, by choosing the dropdown menu on the corresponding permit, may take advantage of options provided. Permits may be printed and inspections may be requested with the effective date no sooner than the following day after the date of the request.

Non-standard electrical permits (1001 amps and above) require approval by an electrical inspector supervisor before the payment process can be initiated. The supervisor in the geographic region is automatically notified when a non-standard electrical proposal is pending approval. The process can be expedited if the supervisor is contacted in advance. You should contact the inspector in your area and have a conversation as to the scope of the work being performed to determine the number of rough ins that will be required. At this time, you can obtain the supervisor’s contact information.

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