What are the Letters Regarding the Complaint Process?

Andy Diehl -

The Tennessee Real Estate Appraiser Commission regulates real estate appraisers in accordance with federal and state laws, rules, and policies. Where a violation is reported or identified, the Commission may issue one of the 3 following letters:  Letter of Instruction, Caution, or Warning.

  • Letter of Instruction – This is generally reserved for matters where the board does not necessarily find a violation but does want to inform the respondent of potential corrective or alternative action. These DO NOT appear on the national registry.
  • Letter of Caution – These are generally reserved for failure to register on the national registry or for failure to obtain CE. These DO NOT appear on the national registry.
  • Letter of Warning – A violation has been identified; however, the violation does not warrant additional corrective action (i.e. civil penalty fee). These DO appear on the national registry.
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