Court Reporters
The General Assembly enacted Public Chapter 450 in 2009, which requires that all court reporters be licensed to engage in the practice of court reporting after July 1, 2010. This was amended by Public Chapter 1123 in 2010, altering some of the grandfathering provisions and other Board functions and processes.
Applicant Licensing Resources
General Licensing Resources
- If I take a deposition under the Rules of Civil Procedure for another state, does TN licensure hold up or should I still notarize the certificate page?
- If I take a deposition for a federal case under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, does TN licensure hold up or should I still notarize the certificate page?
- If I take a deposition here in TN but the attorneys are from another state, does our licensure hold up or should I still notarize the certificate page?
- If I am currently a member of TCRA with the CCR designation but was not a member until after July 1, 2009, can I still be grandfathered in by the Credential method?
- The grandfathering deadlines state that a court reporting must be licensed to engage in the practice of court reporting after July 1, 2010, but there is also a deadline for July 1, 2011. How is the deadline of July 1, 2011 applicable?
Renewal Resources
- How do I submit continuing education (CE) for a Court Reporter renewal?
- If I have been on inactive status for part of my renewal period or have been unable to complete CE credits during my renewal period due to illness or disability am I still required to complete the CE requirements?
- If I have been unable to complete the entire CE requirements before the renewal date, can I apply for an extension?
- I would like to attend a business conference that does not specifically relate to court reporting. Can I receive CE credit for the conference?
- If I see a program or class that I am interested in attending but is not approved by a national or state association can I still receive credit?
- Where may I find information on what counts toward the 20 hours, website link etc.?