- ★ What is a real estate evaluation?
- ★ Are evaluations regulated by the Tennessee Real Estate Appraiser Commission?
- ★ As a Tennessee licensed or certified appraiser, can I perform an evaluation?
- ★ Does an evaluation, performed by a licensed or certified appraiser, have to meet USPAP requirements?
- ★ Are there specific guidelines set forth by the Tennessee Real Estate Appraiser Commission, as to what must be included in an evaluation?
- ★ Does placing a Tennessee appraiser license number on an evaluation make it an appraisal (assuming the report meets the evaluation requirements set forth in T.C.A. § 62-39-104(d))?
- ★ Does using a professional designation on an evaluation make it an appraisal (assuming the report meets the evaluation requirements set forth in T.C.A. § 62-39-104(d))?
- ★ Does attaching your qualifications to an evaluation make it an appraisal (assuming the report meets the evaluation requirements set forth in T.C.A. § 62-39-104(d))?
- ★ If an exhibit in an evaluation has the word “appraisal” on it and the balance of the report meets the evaluation requirements set forth in T.C.A. § 62-39-104(d), does it become an appraisal?
- ★ Can an appraiser perform an evaluation for another use or user that is not a part of a Federal Related Transaction (FRT)?
- ★ Can I include a certification with an evaluation that is required by a professional organization of which I am a member?